Pretty Empowering Stuff!

Pretty Pride and MID partnered to run a Ladies Art Workshop on 31 August this Women’s Month. Pretty Pride’s mission is “empowering women through art” and their objective is to teach women art design and production skills to build self-esteem foster financial...
The Open Door Social Development Model & Advocacy

The Open Door Social Development Model & Advocacy

The MID Social Development team are living proof of the truism “you can eat an elephant – just do it one bite at a time”. Social issues and their solutions are complex for many reasons: They stem from so many factors including physical, physiological, psychological,...

Making A Difference – One Life At A Time

(* Names mentioned in this article have been changed to protect anonymity) The MID Social Development portfolio is a mechanism to assist with bringing about social change and uplifting the lives of those most vulnerable in the MID area. Children and adults who live...
Emergency Outreach During Storm

Emergency Outreach During Storm

The mother of all storms hit Cape Town this past week, shocking everyone after a very mild lead-up to winter. Temperatures plummeted and by Wednesday afternoon in addition to rain and wind, it was even hailing in Muizenberg. At 17h25 on Wednesday MID received a...